
The Paint Syringe Step-by-Step Instructions

How It Works

  1. Roll the Gasket in the Paint
  2. Insert the Gasket into the Barrel
  3. Push and Turn the Lid until it Locks
  4. Pull the Paint into the Syringe
  5. Spin & Lift - Nozzle Up
  6. Carry with Nozzle Up
  7. Ready to Paint

Ready to Paint

  1. Push the Paint into the Vessel
  2. Spin & Lift - Nozzle Up
  3. Rest on the Rim of the Can

Quick Clean Up

  1. Pull Back the Plunger
  2. Unlock Lid & Pull Off
  3. Remove Plunger
  4. Rinse Gasket
  5. Rinse Barrel
  6. Wipe inside Barrel with spoon and paper towel
  7. Clean and Ready

Storage Instructions

  1. Put the Nozzle through the Slotted Hole
  2. Place upright in 'T' position on shelf
  3. Ready for Next Use
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